Friday, April 10, 2009


Jenna was asking questions the other day while I was trying to finish something on the computer and only 1/2 paying attention to her. Unfortunately she asked if I was going to hide Easter eggs this year (since we'll be in DC) and I responded with "of course, we hide them every year". Whoops. IMMEDIATELY both Jenna and Kate start on me about the Easter Bunny and isn't he real? doesn't he hide the eggs? Now it's a very slippery slope from the Easter Bunny to Santa Claus and I really didn't want it to go there. So I shot back some lame explanation about how we don't know when the Easter Bunny shows up, so we've just always hid the eggs. Not sure if they bought it, but then I distracted them with ice cream.

I feel much better after dropping the protein, raw garlic diet, and am really looking forward to DC!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate, have a GREAT weekend to everyone.

1 comment:

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Hee, hee, hee!

Happy Easter!!! Lifting you up, my friend.

Love & Prayers,
Sue :)
PS. We're watching the movie "Baby Boom" (1987) while typing in my blog and FB...the clothes are a hoot...truly!!! And, seeing some of the people who are in TV now!