Thursday, June 4, 2009

No Chemo

Hurray!! No chemo for the summer!! I'll get another scan in July and agreed to go in if I start feeling crappy or develop other symptoms, but since that's not going to happen NO CHEMO for the summer! My tumors aren't getting worse, they aren't getting better, they must be trying to figure out how to get out gracefully. The Dr. and I disagreed on whether the last round of chemo did any good. He claims that since I didn't have any progression, it must have been the chemo. I claim that since there hasn't been any progression since the Sept scan, it must not have been the chemo. There is no way of knowing for sure. Except, I'm right.

The company that tests the tumors against chemos needs fresh or frozen tissue. Mine is packed away in something like formaldehyde and wouldn't work. The doc didn't think he could get a surgeon to remove the one on my hip just for testing, so I have to check and see if they would be able to run their tests with whatever they could get from a needle biopsy. I thought the argument that the illness is gone only from the spots where the tumors were removed surgically, should warrant the removal of at least one more, but he didn't buy it. He still wants me on a clinical trial instead of another round of chemo, we'll talk more as the summer winds down.

For now it's explore Minnesota time. I'd like to take the girls camping (once), but since neither Joe or I are campers, we'll have to see if that actually gets done. I'm sure there will be adventures, both in the backyard and upstate. Here's hoping that everyone has a fabulous, safe, summer!


Jocelyn said...

Hi Liz,
So glad to hear that you will be able to enjoy the summer with the kids. You definitely should do some camping the kids will have a blast. We are camping this weekend at a county park. Take Care, Jocelyn

Holly and Rhett said...

YEAH, no chemo for the summer. Another nice summer for you!! Have a great one!

christine9 said...

Yay! What great news Liz! Here is too an amazing summer for you and your family!

ec/jc said...

Dear Liz,
Yes! Kudoes for not buying into the one-size-fits-all mentality. Do you remember when that premise first came out? Some of us bought pantyhose labeled o-s-f-a & we could barely walk, the crotch was 4 inches above our knees. Well, am glad you are feeling good & are proactive about your treatment. Can't wait to hear about your camping adventures. love, ec/jc

viponds said...

That is awesome news! I hope that you guys have a great summer. I am hoping that we can get up north sometime but have not figured that out yet.

Take care and have fun!!