Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Scan was fine

There's good news :). Joe and I went down to Mayo on Monday for tests, scans and a Dr. visit. Turns out the blood work was fine, the scan showed the smaller tumors are getting even smaller, and the two larger ones are better from the April scan, but the same as the July scan. The fun part was taking steroids since I'm allergic to the contrast dye in CT scans. The idea being they suppress the immune system so that your body doesn't react to the dye. However they also suppressed everything else and I'm left with a nasty cold. No flu, but I'll still be hiding out in the house for awhile. The steroids didn't completely work either, I did have a reaction to the dye in the form of hives on my face and head. Nothing major enough for the nurses to come running, but they stared at me for 1/2 hour after the test. Probably thinking about how cool hives make a person look.....

Now I can stop freaking out about the cancer causing the fatigue and work on the usual suspects. Even though I said I was better at the diet, it could still be improved dramatically. And it's time to start walking again - right after I can breathe. My sister brought up the allergy explanation and that one works pretty well. I felt fabulous last Thurs right after a frost. For now we're going with that!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the calls, emails, cards and comments. I feel truly blessed.


Lonna said...

Lizzard..... I am soo excited about your good news. WOW, what a ride you have endured.. You are one magnificent woman (oh did I forget to say STRONG)... I love all the pictures, and comments - you should become a writer. Oh - by the way, I miss you and Love you - we haven't connected in a while and I want you to remember that... I think a HH may be in order to celebrate your news...
Take care and know what you have a lot of people behind you (kind of like the verizon commercial)... Love Lonna

viponds said...

WooHoo!! Way to go Lizbutt!! I am so glad to hear that the scan was good. I have been praying for you. Jimmy has had allergies pretty bad the last few weeks so it could likely just be allergies. That is so great!!

Things are looking up....just start feeling better and keep moving forward! You are an inspiration!!

Take care!

Karen said...


love love love


Holly and Rhett said...

Liz, so happy to hear your scans went well. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry I missed lunch last week, we will have to schedule another one!!


Nancy R said...

Great to hear! Keep thinking positive! We are all praying for you and thinking about you!

Take Care!

kmjenne said...

woot woot!! so happy to hear your news!

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Doing the "Happy Dance" here in St. Louis!!!! Praying that between allergies and improved diet and exercise you will start feeling better!!!

Love & Hugs,
Sue Boo :)

Hjellming said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Soooo very happy you received that valuable information from them; so you can have peace of mind and make more room for those positive thoughts. Knowledge is power!

Power, laughter and health to our favorite SUPERHERO, Cancer Chick!

Carol Stone said...

What great news!! Stay strong & know we are all thinking and praying for you.

Take care,

Linda W said...

Awesome News!!!

Please continue your focus & remain strong, maintain hope in your pursuit!

I tell my son to "Believe & You Will Succeed" ....

You are absolutely in our thoughts & prayers!


Liesl said...

Yay!! Praise God! Thanks so much for the update :) We are celebrating with you and will continue to pray and cheer you on from down here in OK.


christine9 said...

Oh Liz - I was so grateful to read this update - it brought tears to my eyes. We have been thinking about you so much since the last posting, and always. I was saying my prayers that it was just something else and so glad to hear that it is! Thanks again for the update and we will keep send good vibes your way!

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Hi Lizbutt!!!!! Just checking in....Love you!!!!! xxxxx