Monday, December 1, 2008


It was time for a much shorter hairdo, the 3 inches we cut off a month ago was no longer working. Every swipe of the brush took out more clumps of hair and I was leaving a trail throughout the house. Since there was a Fantastic Sam's up the street and since I'm going to be bald in a couple weeks there didn't seem a point in spending a ton of dough on a cut. The girls at the shop were very sweet, but also very young (or so they seemed to me). They decided that I could go with a short cut and didn't need to shave it - yet. The conversation during the cut was....interesting. Let me give you a couple pointers. Don't tell someone going through chemo that they should "watch out" and that they are "going to get tired". At least they didn't ask "how long do you have"!! It is okay to talk about chemo, just don't tell someone what they are going through. Like I said they were sweet, so I didn't lay into them, and I got a nice scalp massage out of the deal :)

Mom comes tonight. She stays over on the nights before chemo since we usually have to leave before the kids get on the bus. Thank goodness, it keeps things almost normal! Kate likes her dog better than our own, she doesn't sneeze or pant (0r yak on the carpet- the dog, not Grandma). But while the dog is excellent with kids, she doesn't seem to share the same excitement for contact that Kate does.

A couple shout outs.... Thanks to Brad and Anna, Roberta, Ray and Becky, Aunt Gloria, Karla, and Jeanne for the generous and thoughtful cards and gifts. Isn't it amazing that y'all can make me feel lucky through all this?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I sure did!


Linda W said...


This may sound crazy ~ but thanks so much for sharing your blog with me.

I just read all of your entries as well as all of your followers' comments ... might add through both tears & laughter! ;-D

WOW! You are an amazing lady encompassing intelligent, strength, honesty, coupled with the ability to maintain a sense of humor through all that you endure ... you are truly an incredible inspiration!

Although I am not around the corner, please do not hesitate if there is any thing that I can do for you!

Know that you & your family are always in my thoughts & prayers!

Remain strong & never lose your will to laugh ...

Warmest Regards!
Linda Weiss

Michelle Stevens said...


You are truly an inspiration to us all! You make me smile evertime I read your blogs! Good luck today I pray this round will be better for you!

Love ya!

Rana said...

I can tell by your face shape that you will look beautiful without hair. Plus, think of all the time and money you’ll be saving. If you get bored, it could be fun to try different wig colors and cuts (it should go without saying that Sarah Palin-inspired styles must be avoided). If you experiment, please post the options. I’d walk over to admire your new cut, but I have a cold right now.

Like I said, I know that you will look pretty without hair. But, there is the issue of winter. I see you in some funky hats. I haven’t ever bought anything at Anthropologie but for some reason I thought of that store when I was thinking of you in a winter hat. Also --never underestimate the power of just a little lip stick, especially when there is a wind. Look, I’m writing a MN fashion blog.

Today, I’m hoping that your doc gets a good, fierce potion mixed up that absorbs calmly but annihilates those cancer cells once and for all. To paraphrase Julie, it’s time to show the visitors the door.


CaliGirl said...

Hi, Liz! Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way from California.

Take care!
