Saturday, December 6, 2008


This dose of chemo is almost through. I'm not really a fan of feeling drugged for 5 days, but hey, it could be worse. There were no allergic reactions!!! No open sores, no burst blood vessels, no fever, no chills, minimal headaches, very few stabbing pains. Really a pretty quiet week as far as side effects go. There is just an overwhelming fatigue and some nausea. Dr. Gu took care of the nausea with sessions on Wednesday and Friday. I didn't even have to take a pill! My own stupidity reared it's familiar head after the acupuncture session yesterday. I was starving after seeing Dr. Gu and there was an Arby's right across the street......can you believe I ate an Arby's sandwich after chemo and acupuncture? It did taste pretty good, but even though I wasn't nauseous, my stomach was protesting for the rest of the evening. Next time I'll bring some nuts to snack on during the ride home. I'm still tired, but that seems to be slowly fading away, hopefully by tomorrow things will be back to normal - (there's that word again, I'm unsure of the definition at this point).

One of the new chemo drugs, Navelbine, is given on day one and day eight, so we'll be back down at Mayo on Tuesday, that will complete round two of chemo. We'll be doing another PET scan after round 3 to see how everything is responding. I've been having PLENTY of conversations with God on how that's supposed to go.

The girls are excited to go scarf shopping. Jenna wants to get me a snowman scarf/hat, but I have no idea where to go?? We may have to buy some material and have Mersa make a scarf. She has talent, I would try and sew it together and it would look like a bad blanket.

Thanks to Barb, Lisa, Ann, and Chuck for the yummy meals! Seasons Greetings!!


lea said...

I know you ate a sandwich at Arby's, but those potato cakes are the bomb!!! As far as defining "normal" - you just have to find your new normal..I usually use this term for a different circumstance (which we won't get into here), but it's sort of a "any port in a storm" - that's how you need to look at defining your new normal! Take care - you sure have a lot of good people in your corner; they're going to help you beat this foe!!!

viponds said...
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christine9 said...


I've been having some "conversations" with God for you too! We are all in your corner and know that you can do this. Thanks for keeping up all posted!