Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As good as it gets

There was another scan last week. Things are looking good! Or rather they are looking the same as the Oct scan. I thought we were supposed to be looking for improvement (I know, kinda crazy), but Doc said that it might be "as good as it gets". The bone has grown back on the smaller tumors and the larger ones on the spine show calcification. The bone may not grow back on the spine, but since there is calcification that shows progress and the cancer isn't still chomping away on me bones. Arghhh. Doc said it was good news. So I asked for the next scan to be in 6 months and got a big NO CAN DO. So we compromised and are going out 4 months with the caveat of letting him know if I start to feel like crap. We also asked about getting a PET scan next time and he much prefers the CT. The PET would show cancer activity, but you also get other junk in there (like the time they saw the spots on my lungs and it was just a cold - or when my whole tongue lit up and I thought I had mouth cancer....) so apparently my Doc doesn't like having to deal with people freaking out in his office for no reason. When Doc asked about the leg, I started whining about getting the plate out when the cancer was gone; he agreed to let me know when he is comfortable with that, but it's going to be awhile. Fine.

So what to do with the blog.....By not writing all the time I'm saving you from this:

Cereal for breakfast today, couple of celery sticks and a big green smoothie for lunch. Great day!

Or this:

Brrrr was it cold out. Even the dog didn't want to go outside today.

Or this:

Can you believe the price of organic foods??? What's a girl to eat?

SO. I'm tempted to pull up stake and mosey out of this medium. Haven't decided for sure yet. But I'll let you know if there is never going to be another posting - just so the two of you still reading don't waste your time :)



Cronins said...

Ha Ha. Janice just emailed me about your blog, so don't tell me that no one reads. Also, last week at VB a couple of the girls said "what's up with liz, she hasn't written in a while". So there!

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Woot-woot!! If you drop the blog (sad face) then get on Facebook!!!! I want to keep up with you, and since I'm a horrible emailer, and this is all about ME (smile), then just get on FB!!!

Still praying for you, my friend...back in HK. I have wanted to get my blog going again since we got over here Dec. 23...just haven't done it yet. lol.

viponds said...

I still look for updates on your blog. I saw this one a few hours after you posted it. I guess I am just a computer nerd.

I don't mind if you quit the blog....I am thrilled that you don't have any new cancer updates for us. I am so happy for you and your family.

Take care of yourself! We will need to get together sometime.

Karen said...

I say you keep the blog open for when you want to wax poetic and give us all an update, but then get a facebook page so that we can bug and bug and bug you with all of our updates......sounds good to me !!!!

Anonymous said...

Dean and I still check in to see how you're doing, even though we don't post. I agree with the Facebook suggestion! We're so glad things are going well!

Dean and Therese Wolfgram

christine9 said...

Another vote for Facebook! Lots of people still read this - I have to say though that posting a comment can be a little tricky - it never seems to work for me.
I am thrilled to hear the good news! You are always in our prayers! I would love to get together for lunch one day - if you feel like making a trip downtown I know Christine S. and I would love to meet up with you!
Thanks again for updating us on the great news!

Unknown said...

I'm still checking in on your updates, too. Can't wait to hear when you get the plate out! I love to hear updates on your good news. Sorry, I'm not so good about responding:(

Nicolle said...


I read your blog all the time well at least when you were updating it frequently. I'm so happy you're doing well and the cancer isn't growing!!!
I guess keep the blog going if it makes you feel better. It's always therapeutic (sp?) to write your thoughts down.
I agree you should get on fb!

Take care! love your cousin Nicolle

LB said...

Lizard - The overwhelming vote is we do not want to lose the updates ... so come and join the rest of us goofballs on FB. My updates are rare as my memory is leaving me and remembering the password to sign back in remains my biggest challenge! Dang ... I am a loser!

BUT a loser you are not! I am so thrilled to hear of your good news ... thinking a Spring HH is definitely do!! Take care my friend!!

Unknown said...

I am still checking on you Liz. Am really glad to be able to "follow you". I am very happy for you and your family also.

Katie "Lucas" Bauer