Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yes, I've been remiss in my blogging duties, but summer is here and we've been busy! There was Historic Fort Snelling, the Wiesman museum, a couple weeks at the cabin, Kate's birthday party and still trying to get things organized/cleaned around the house. The first month with the girls home from school was harder, I was always tired, but now I can keep up (mostly)! I feel great, and don't have any symptoms of "the illness" which means I've been able to run around. That also means that I've done a few clutzy things, like fall off the 4-wheeler and have it run over my leg, and hurt my shoulder while vacuuming (if that doesn't prove I'm old I don't know what does), drop some chicken breasts in the oven - yes this is after the quiche. At least there was nothing that caused permanent damage!

We are in town for this week and next. Jenna wants her birthday party early and up at the cabin, so we're there for the weekend. Next week is another scan and tests (Wed at 10am, say a little prayer). Then I hope to either be back at the cabin or in Utah looking at National Parks. Still haven't decided. I'd like to believe that there will be plenty of time to see these things, but I've also learned that it's best not to procrastinate the things you really want to do.... I'll post the results of the scan, but probably won't be on again until next week. Have a good one!


Janet Arnold said...

Great to hear you are having a FABULOUS summer! My vote - go to UTAH - sounds like fun!

I will say a prayer for you next set of scans - stay positive!


Liesl said...

My goodness, you guys have been busy! Not surprising :) I'm so glad you are all enjoying another beautiful MN summer...we were actually just there a couple weeks ago...and we were a bit cold! Haha.

Praying for the scan...thanks for keeping us posted!

Sending hugs from Oklahoma!
Liesl :)

LB said...

Hey Lady - I'm glad to hear your summer is going well and your not feeling any symptoms of the illness. WOOHOO! As for the clutzy things ... I'm thinking cooking and vacuuming are over-rated, so may be stop doing those things (: and as for the dany 4-wheeler running you over ... I think you gotta work on that one!

My prayers are coming your way for an awesome scan (:

Take care my friend -


Marne said...

Lizard, Lizard, Lizard,
Thanks for the blog. I appreciate the time it takes for you to keep it up. Thoughts! Prayers! Hugs! Love ya, Marne

Karen said...

My mama always said life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get (no, it wasn't Forrest's mom that said that), so I say go to whatever place makes you stand up and shout Ya Hoo !!! You missed Maple Grove days last weekend, which would have made everything else pale by comparison.

You have my thoughts and prayers and best wishes for a scan that is devoid of anything that should not be there. So don't let another thing run over your legs this week!!!!

TTFN - Love you !!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think the 4 wheeler knew what it was up against!! Don't worry about the klutzy mishap, Liz. I ran into my basement sliding screen door the other day. Other than my waffle marks on my face, I'm ok!! For some reason I had thought I left it open. And yes, I was sober.

It's nice to see an update on your blog. It sounds like you have been "on the go" all summer long.

Enjoy those long weekends at the cabin.

We'll all be thinking of you on Wednesday.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I don't think the 4 wheeler knew what it was up against!! Don't worry about the klutzy mishap, Liz. I ran into my basement sliding screen door the other day. Other than my waffle marks on my face, I'm ok!! For some reason I had thought I left it open. And yes, to make things worse I was sober (at least I would have had an excuse if I wasn't).

It's nice to see an update on your blog. It sounds like you have been "on the go" all summer long.

Enjoy those long weekends at the cabin.

We'll all be thinking of you on Wednesday.

Take care,

EdPop said...

Hi Renee,
Just reading your blog. I was sorry to hear you are fighting the "illness". I will pray for you. Hope further scans come up blank. I retired from the hospital in Feb09, and just living lavishly off SS and MC retirement. Be safe, Lets keep in touch. BTW Tuesday I turned 69.
Love You

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad that summer is going so well for you :) Your postings lift my heart and I'm keeping you in my prayers. If you select Utah, please let me know :) I'd gladly road-trip up north to assist you in your attacks on 4-wheelers or anything else that gets in your way.

Best wishes to you!


LizzieCook said...

Hi Liz: so good to hear that you are enjoying summer. I'm proud to hear that you are still cooking, vacuuming and riding 4 wheelers! How much more normal can you be? My prayers are included with everyone else's - I hope your scans are NEG - it's the best thing I can think of right now. Enjoy Utah (if you go). Love you and take care. LizzieC.