Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Close call

Kate is "star of the week" at school. We had to create a posterboard with pictures that are important to Kate and she gets up in front of the class to talk about them. She asked Grandma to come and Joe and I were there as well. It is just amazing that a girl who can be heard 2 blocks from home when she's playing, has a hard time speaking loud enough for the 2nd row in class to hear her. It was a lot of fun to see how different she acts when all the attention is on her vs. when she is trying to get all the attention :)

Good news about D.C.. Joe had requested a Capital Tour from Erik Paulsen's website. They called yesterday after we were home from NY and said they could get us into the White House Easter Egg roll!! I can't wait! Just us and 35,000 of the Obama's closest friends. We're still waiting to get the email on the dress code....that could be rather interesting. Hopefully the scanner to get into the grounds won't be any more powerful than the one at the airport. I would hate to be tackled in front of the girls at the White House just because the plate in my leg set off some kind of sensor!

The close call came this morning from Ebony. Mom had said on Monday Ebony had a hard time getting around in the morning. Today when Joe let her out he had to carry her back in because her back legs weren't working. We all thought this was it, and by the time we got to the vet I was bawling. The vet came in and looked her over and said that she has old dog vestibular disease. It should go away in a week or two!!! She said it was the best news you can get for a dog Ebony's age (she'll be thirteen May 2). Can you believe that?? She doesn't even have to take medication, it should get better on it's own. Good news for us! I'm not ready yet to take walks by myself. I tried to prepare the girls this morning in case she wasn't going to be able to come back from the vet with us. They seemed concerned until Kate piped up with "can we get a Pug?". Maybe they won't be as affected as Joe and I when the time finally does come.


LB said...

Lizard - I am so excited to hear about your trip. I can't wait to see some of the pictures from the Egg Roll. That will be an experience not easily topped!

Congrats to Kate on being 'star of the week'. How absolutely awesome for Kate, but even more for you and Joe. Each moment the kids get to 'strut' their stuff in their own starlight is so awesome to watch. These opportunities go fast, so I know you do, but enjoy each one! *Yes, it's the empty nester talking!*

Man, I am so happy to hear Ebony will be better in one to two weeks. That is definitely not something you need to deal with right now. I did get a kick out of the fact, they were already on to the next puppy. (: The naiveness of youth - again enjoy it!

Wishing the Solhead family an awesome Easter! Thinking of you always and sending nothing but positve thoughts your way.

Love ya-

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz - Mike Busch connected me to your blog today - through facebook of all places so maybe you should sign up already (I read that you were holding out...)

It sounds like after 20 years, two children and the battle that you have been fighting you haven't changed much from that wonderful girl who spent a summer at Whispering Pines Lodges.

Please let us know if you will be in New York City again - we would love to see you and we can figure out a place for you to stay - we have a few options depending on if it's a short or long stay...

I would love to catch up more - or 631-335-1419.

Jimmy and Elena Wiltzius

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Hidy Ho! I've started writing to you 3x in the past couple of days...and had to stop...I think b/c of things going on around here. lol.

So, so glad to hear about options coming from NY!!! And, it's just my opinion and I know nothing really, but it sounds like a wise decision with the nutritionist...helping some people, but just not right for you.

I'm so thankful it wasn't anything real serious with Ebony...for a year before Alvie died, I kept preparing Lily...preparing myself, much as I could...still so hard at times!

Kate...."Star of the Week" shining brightly all the way over to HK!! Good for her!! I loved how you phrased "trying to get attention VS having all of the attention on her" true for so many....Boy, you are deep!

OK, so now Lily is calling's 10:50PM and she's awake (had been asleep for 3 1/2 hours).

More later...I'm praying!!!
Love & Hugs,
Sue Boo :)