Monday, January 12, 2009

Status quo

Here is a picture of the baldie at Xmas with brother in law Darin and Kate. Notice Kate is dressed up in cute dress with santa hat. She has worn this outfit to school twice since Xmas, hat and all. I used to wonder how people with small children got through things like this. Now I wonder how they would do it without kids.
Betty, I tried to take a picture of the lights outside, but it didn't turn out very well. They really do look pretty cool, I'll try again at some point. Joe's friend Paul had them put up and it made the house look quite festive!! Thanks Paul!
The leg is better, but I had a cold last week that scared me a bit. I was worried that it would morph into the flu or some infection which would leave me in the hospital. However, the cold was a little more intense than I'm used to, but it went through all the normal stages pretty quickly and now is just a minor irritation in my sinuses. Chemo last week wasn't any big deal, it was just the Navelbine (yes, the Dr. reduced the dose) and there weren't any side effects other than some nausea and fatigue. By now I feel pretty darn good, and we don't go back until the 22nd. That will be a busy day because of the PET SCAN!!! It's at 7:30 in the morning, but at least we'll have an idea on how well the chemo and radiation are working.

I had a massage today and it was AWESOME. It's one of the best things in the world and it was even better because the therapist came to the house. I'm not even going to pretend to help shovel today and ruin a good massage :) It was my friend Amy's aunt, and Amy arranged the whole deal. Thank you Amy!!

The new chemo doesn't seem to promote hair loss like the first ones. The hairs on my chin started coming back, isn't that a treat......


LizzieCook said...

Hi Liz. You look amazingly beautiful for a woman with no hair. Somehow,I don't envision myself with the same good looks should my hair disappear. However, I have been tempted to give it a try, you know, some mornings when I wake up - just take the scissors to it! I am so happy for you about the latest chemo treatments. No matter how small the relief...I treasure it for you. I count the weeks with you Liz...the BEST of news on the upcoming "pet scan"! Love, LizzieCook

Hjellming said...

Two little real life angels by your're correct, what more could a cancer chick need. No hair, no worries...your sparkling smile can't be taken away. Every time I read your blog you make me LOL, thanks for the best of medicines and for sharing your journey with all of us.

Keep on kickin' ol' man cancers ASS!!!

Blessings to you,

Holly and Rhett said...

You look fabulous!!! Glad to hear the chemo is treating you ok. Good luck with the PET scan, I will keep you in my prayers.

Tammi said...

You look beautiful Liz, your strength shows through your smile and your daughter, well it doesnt get much more precious does it. Please on the 22nd tell Cancer to
"Suck It"